Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Why It's Ok to be an Introvert
First of all, Miss Amodie thank you so much for talking about introversion and how it is relevant and important because honestly introverts need to be praised for being the way that they are so thank you so much!! Ok so today in class we watched a video about introversion and how society is geared to fit the needs for the extrovert, while introverts are forced to become something they are not or to be considered a recluse all their lives. Being an introvert myself, I find it pretty tough to fit in with the majority of extroverts or even ambiverts. In middle school, people would get offeneded or think that I was weird that I would spend my recesses reading books instead of playing with them. In group work or projects, I always have an opinion about what we are doing, but I normally get drowned out by the loudest voice or I am too tired to speak up about what I think and I just go along with the group. Because I am quiet and more reserved, I am immediately seen as stuck up, snotty, or generally considered to be a person not worth getting to know (which if I truly am like that I apologize). It honestly sucks. And don't get me wrong, I love extroverts. My best friend Alex is an extrovert, and it's nice to spend time with him because he drags me into his adventures and we have lots of fun together. We also like to compare how we see the world differently. He absolutely loves talking to people and he can't understand why I would prefer a quiet place with a book. Although, he has learned that I need recharge days and he will back off and give me the space that I need (most of the time). Enough about me. With this video I think that the author clearly showed the benefits of allowing the introverted to stay that way and the power that solitude gives us. I also enjoyed how she did not completely put down extroverts and gave examples on how they are just as important as we are. I liked the 'suitcase' example the most; I feel like it adequately portrayed what each person truly wants, whether they be extroverted or introverted. She used persuasion to show how introversion should be seen as a gift, and while we do need to learn how to collaborate in teams, we need to appreciate the ideas that grow in the silence of solitude. I really, really enjoyed this video and this discussion, thank you again. And I took the test: total introvert, through and through.
About me
Hi I am so sorry I totally forgot to do an about me page so I'll do it now before I forget again.
Hi my name is Emily Darling. Most people call me Darling. Most people also think that I should have been named Wendy, but that didn't happen so yeah. Peter Pan continually haunts me if it wasn't clear enough. I am heavily involved in theatre and the arts. I hope to major in musical theatre when I go to college and I don't really have a back up plan so for now I'm just letting it happen. I also love to read so if anyone has recommendations tell me por favor!

Hi my name is Emily Darling. Most people call me Darling. Most people also think that I should have been named Wendy, but that didn't happen so yeah. Peter Pan continually haunts me if it wasn't clear enough. I am heavily involved in theatre and the arts. I hope to major in musical theatre when I go to college and I don't really have a back up plan so for now I'm just letting it happen. I also love to read so if anyone has recommendations tell me por favor!
Monday, September 28, 2015
Hey so this is my clip. It's from the opening scene of "The Great Gatsby" film. I could only find the 1974 version so sorry if you wanted Tobey Maguire. Anyway, there's a part at 3:30 that I think perfectly describes SCWAMP.
The reason why I feel like it describes SCWAMP is because of the line Nick Carraway says at the very beginning of the scene. He says,
"In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. 'Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,' he told me, 'just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.'
This quote adequately describes the ideals of SCWAMP because Nick Carraway is a straight, able-bodied, white male owning property in West Egg, New York. He was given the opportunity to go to college at New Haven with Tom Buchanan, who also embodies the characteristics of a man who could rule the world.
I think that the book in general gives a gist of what SCWAMP is about. It is about greedy men, whether it be Gatsby or Tom Buchanan, always looking for ways to increase their fortune and their grasp on Daisy especially. Daisy even says that '...the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool'. Daisy already knows from experience that women will not get to do what they aspire to in the world because of the limitations caused by their gender. This shows that SCWAMP was as relevant in the 20's as it is now, and I believe that the book and the quote fit the mold perfectly.
Hey so this is my clip. It's from the opening scene of "The Great Gatsby" film. I could only find the 1974 version so sorry if you wanted Tobey Maguire. Anyway, there's a part at 3:30 that I think perfectly describes SCWAMP.
The reason why I feel like it describes SCWAMP is because of the line Nick Carraway says at the very beginning of the scene. He says,
"In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. 'Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,' he told me, 'just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had.'
This quote adequately describes the ideals of SCWAMP because Nick Carraway is a straight, able-bodied, white male owning property in West Egg, New York. He was given the opportunity to go to college at New Haven with Tom Buchanan, who also embodies the characteristics of a man who could rule the world.
I think that the book in general gives a gist of what SCWAMP is about. It is about greedy men, whether it be Gatsby or Tom Buchanan, always looking for ways to increase their fortune and their grasp on Daisy especially. Daisy even says that '...the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool'. Daisy already knows from experience that women will not get to do what they aspire to in the world because of the limitations caused by their gender. This shows that SCWAMP was as relevant in the 20's as it is now, and I believe that the book and the quote fit the mold perfectly.
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