Tuesday, March 1, 2016


Politics; the thing that runs our good country of the United States of America and also makes for uncomfortable arguements at Thanksgiving. We were given two presidential candidates to analyze and to see if their words really added up to their message. We also threw in the great John Oliver for good measure, who added some great points about how some political candidates never really have a concise message. 

Donald Trump is the leading candidate for the Republican Party in the elections right now. This soggy cheeto is very hard to take seriously, in my opinion. He believes that Americans (and by Americans, he means white straight men) have been cheated out of their precious money becuase it has been taken by undocumented workers coming in from Mexico. In his speech, he gets the crowd all riled up about his master scheme: building a wall between the border of the U.S. and making Mexico pay every penny for its construction. Trump loves to make these outlandishly ridiculous statements, only because he knows that it will get a rise out of his audience and those watching at home. But the problem with this tactic is that no one seems to think of how he's actually going to get Mexico to pay for a wall with their own money without it backfiring on the American people. He also tends to get pretty hypocritical at times. While he claims that he will 'Make America Great Again' by getting more jobs for documented citizens only, his past reveals that he has not always followed this straight and narrow path. In the Oliver video, it is pointed out that one of the Trump towers (which only uses his name; it's not his actual building) was being built by illegal workers who were given inadequate supplies and not allowed the proper protection for their work. Trump, of course, denied it to save his own orange skin. The thing about Trump is that he will spout out whatever he wants to say with no form of game plan on how he's going to make it happen (this can be said for all politics, but Trump somehow manages to insult every living being on the planet along the way).

Bernie Sanders is falling behind Hillary at the moment, but is still the favorite Democratic Party choice among children my age and college students. Sanders is taking on many controversial issues within his campaign, which is why young people love him so much. He talks about Wall Street and colleges all have the big bucks and how colleges are sentencing students to decades of debt to pay for an education. He tells the struggles of African Americans and the discrimination against them, the students in debt, the mistreatment of women, etc. Comparing this message of equality to the total white and corporate supremacy of Trump, one would think that everyone would be lining up to vote for Sanders. But one of the problems is his choice of People to represent and fight for. I would like him to be President as much as the next Millennial. But by focusing on the young, he is taking away his chances at getting to the people who really vote: the elderly. Young people just don't get the chance to vote nowadays. So while Trump is making the old cronies sing his praises, Sanders is stuck with people who have to commitment to the idea of voting.

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